Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Practice Meet

Neil, Gabe and I had a mini (by-ourselves) practice meet before I leave for a short trip to FL. 

It was...interesting.   I found out that perhaps I am not so great under pressure.  I was SURE AND I MEAN ABSOLUTELY100% SURE that I could snatch 40kg.  I chose it for my first lift.  I snatched 38 and then 40 with no problem in the warm-ups.  I felt great. 

First lift...BOOM.  I missed it.  The bar fell forward.  I think I was a little shocked.

I have no idea what happened.  I know I can lift 40!  Neil told me I should go up for the second lift, so I did.  42kg.  

Second lift... !@#$!   Another miss. This time backwards.  I landed perfectly in the squat but then just could not hold onto the bar!

This was turning into my worst fear.  That I would miss all three lifts.  I wasn't nervous at all before this happened, but suddenly this was NOT fun.  I decided to stay at 42kg.

Third lift.  I approached the bar.  Took a breath.  Snatched.  Good lift.   WHAT A RELIEF. 

All in all, the snatch portion of this practice meet did NOT go the way I had been playing it in my head.  I thought for sure I'd snatch 40.  Then move up to around 42 or 43 and then possibly go for a PR at 44 or 45.  My original goal for snatch was 40kg, so I am pleased with 42 at this practice meet.  But if I miss 2 lifts at the REAL meet I'm not sure if and how I will recover.  Ugh.

The C+J's on the other hand felt ridiculously easy!  I opened with a way low lift based on my snatch experience (48kg).  Then went to 52 and 55kg and just killed both of them.  My jerks felt just absolutely right on.  How the hell that happened I have no idea.  But I'd love if it happened again.

Especially since Neil and Gabe both went 0 for 3 on all their C+J's!  Where I am limited by my jerk, they are both limited by the clean.  Neil wasn't able to get out of his squat and Gabe kept catching the bar incorrectly.  It was really bizarre.  I feel a little like bad luck and wonder if I shouldn't go watch them...

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