When I started this blog I thought I'd write about a bunch of stuff, not just make it a training log. But the last several posts have been all about training, training training. So now for a big treat I will bore you even further with a post about what I eat.
Shortly after beginning this weightlifting program, I ended my ~6 year career as a vegetarian. I did this for a couple reasons. I'll probably write more about it later, but the main reason is health.
Remember these lovely bruises? That was only the tip of the iceberg. I would have big purple welts on my shoulders after clean days. And upper thigh bruises from snatch pulls. Basically, it was time for some more iron in my diet. I had a choice: I could eat sixty cups of spinach a day and try to make it up with vegetarian-sourced supplements. Or I could stop listening to my whiny bleeding animal-loving heart and just eat some GD beef already.
My significant other, also a former vegetarian, went full-fledged paleo when he started the Whole Life Challenge. I (briefly) tried dropping all grains out of my diet as well, but honestly it made me feel awful. So I'm down to 1 or 2 servings of grain a day. There's no way I'm giving up dairy.
Here's an example of how I eat on a lifting day. The times are all approximate and this really varies from day to day.
6:30am :: Oatmeal with a handful of "stuff" thrown in (banana, coconut flakes, walnuts, dates, mango, etc.). 1 cup of coffee with teaspoon of coconut oil.
8:15am :: Lifting session. GRAAARRR! (that is my roar). I drink cold water and hot peppermint tea during the session.
9:30am :: Shake made with scoop of protein powder, frozen banana, pumpkin puree, coconut water.
11:00am :: Lunch. Bowl of beef chili (recipe based on this one) except I add beans and top with soft goat cheese...mmmm
1:30pm :: A snack. A peach, a carrot, some hummus.
4:00pm :: Hungry again, but it's not really time for dinner. Mixed green salad with 1/2 avocado, handful of grapes, olive oil & vinegar. Handful of almonds.
6:30pm :: Now it's dinner time but I'm not that hungry. Tuna fish. Green salad. Bottle of beer.
9:00pm :: Hot cocoa with heavy whipping cream, cinnamon, sweetened with a tbsp of maple syrup.
I don't measure anything. I eat as much as I like. I'm probably not eating enough because most nights I wake up around 2am feeling very hungry. This is totally new for me since beginning weightlifting. It's nuts. Lifting doesn't really feel like that much work at the time. I'm doing it 3 hours a week along with one CrossFit WOD. I stuff myself with food.
My husband has dropped over 35lb since he started eating and exercising this way. I am starting to see my stomach muscles! I will never go back to hours of running and counting calories.
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